“Gnosis lives in facts, withers away in abstractions, and is difficult to find even in the noblest of thoughts.”

Samael Aun Weor



Samael Aun Weor

Samael Aun Weor was born on the 6th of March, 1917 in South America, in Bogota (Colombia). At a young age, he was interested in many transcendental aspects of life – he wanted to know who we are, where we come from, and what is the purpose of life? He began to search for those answers in the different metaphysical schools of those times. He studied Theosophy, Masonry, the systems of Gurdjieff, the Gnostic-Rosicrucian tradition, he practiced yoga, studied Krishnamurti etc.
サマエル・アウン・ウィールは1917年3月6日、南米のボゴタ(コロンビア)に生まれた。 幼い頃から、彼は人生の多くの超越的な側面に興味を抱いていた。私たちは誰なのか、どこから来たのか、人生の目的は何なのか。 彼はその答えを当時のさまざまな形而上学の学派に求め始めた。 神智学、メーソンリー、グルジェフのシステム、ノーシス的・薔薇十字的伝統を学び、ヨーガを修行し、クリシュナムルティなどを研究した。

By the age of 17 he was giving lectures at the Theosophical Society and became a member of the Ancient Rosicrucian school (founded by Dr Arnoldo Krumm-Heller / M. Huiracocha) at the age of 18, which served to educate him in practical esotericism.

But after all that he felt something was missing. He became tired of so many theories and yearned to investigate, to awaken, and to enter into the path of initiation. In his very first book, called The Doorway to Initiation or The Perfect Matrimony (1st edition) he explains that after many, incredible efforts, he found the key—or the Great Arcanum–that would allow him to prepare what the alchemists called “the sacred fire of the philosophers” and this granted him the fortune and immense happiness of beginning his process of genuine spiritual initiation. This occurred in 1947 and in 1948, the formation of a small organisation began, which soon after became an international one.

It was his book The Perfect Matrimony, at first—along with so many other written works in the 50’s and 60’s—that most identified the formation of the International Gnostic Movement. And from his second residence in Mexico, he wrote many other treatises about anthropology, psychology, philosophy, art, science, mysticism, Kabbalah, alchemy, medicine, etc. He wrote more than 60 books and gave hundreds of lectures. In essence, Master Samael taught the “Fifth Truth” or in other words sacred sexuality – as the synthesis of all religions, esoteric schools, cultures, civilisations, and races.

“Thus, I am a man and an angel. My angel works in the Cosmos, he is the horseman of chapter XIX of the Apocalypse, and I, his Bodhisatva, live as a man amongst men. This is the mystery of the double personality, one of the greatest mysteries of occultism: the Bodhisatva of a Master is made of all the animic, igneous and etheric extracts, who are something like the substratum of the inferior bodies.

「私は人間であり天使でもある。 私の天使はコスモスの中で働き、彼は黙示録の第十九章の騎手であり、彼の菩薩である私は人間の中で人間として生きている。 これは二重人格の謎であり、オカルティズムの最大の謎のひとつである。マスターの菩提薩埵は、アニミズム、火成岩、エーテルのすべての抽出物でできており、それらは劣等体の基層のようなものである。

The Bodhisattva is the human soul of the master. We have two souls: a divine and a human one. The divine soul is the Spirit-Soul or Buddhic body of the Master, and the Human Soul is animic, etheric and igneous extract of the causal body of man, together with the animic extract s of the inferior vehicles.菩薩はマスターの人間の魂である。 私たちには2つの魂がある。 神聖な魂はマスターの霊魂または仏性体であり、人間の魂は人間の因果体のアニミズム、エーテル、火成岩の抽出物であり、劣った乗り物のアニミズムの抽出物である。

In synthesis, I could say that all these animic extracts of the human SOUL, expressing themselves through the mental, astral and etheric bodies, is what we call the BODHISATVA of a Master, who lives as a man amongst men when he is incarnated in a physical body. It is said that the Buddha, after going into Nirvana, sent his Bodhisattva to finish his work and his Bodhisattva finished the work in a marvellous manner, under the direction of an internal instructor called SANKARACHAPYA. “SANKARA” was a ray of primitive light, he was a flame. 総合すると、精神体、アストラル体、エーテル体を通して自分自身を表現している、人間の魂のこれらすべてのアニミズムの抽出物は、肉体に転生したときに人間の中の人間として生きるマスターのボダイサットヴァと呼ばれるものだと言える。 釈迦は涅槃に入った後、菩薩に自分の仕事を完成させるよう命じ、その菩薩はサンカラチャピヤと呼ばれる内的指導者の指示の下、驚くべき方法で仕事を完成させたと言われている。 「サンカラ」は一筋の原始の光であり、炎であった。

In this way, my humble worthless person is the Bodhisattva of the Master of the White Brotherhood SAMAEL AUN WEOR, and as it is logical, I must be a good citizen, fulfilling all my obligations.” このように、私の謙虚で無価値な人間は、白い同胞団のマスターであるサマエル・アウン・ウィオルの菩薩であり、理にかなっているように、私は善良な市民でなければならず、すべての義務を果たさなければならない」。