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Here are Japanese and English translations of the Spanish texts written by Master Samael about Gnosis. Please freely download and read. For clarification, understanding and practice, we recommend however to attend an in-person class to benefit from the teachings. This method of mouth-to-ear follows all traditions that pursue the Truth.

マスター・サマエルがノーシスについて書いたスペイン語の文章の日本語訳と英語訳です。 ご自由にダウンロードしてお読みください。 より明確に理解し、実践するためには、直接クラスに参加することをお勧めします。 この口から耳へという方法は、真理を追求するすべての伝統に従っています。

Samael Aun Weor

“Gnosis lives in facts, withers away in abstractions, and is difficult to find even in the noblest of thoughts.”

“Gnosis lives in facts, withers away in abstractions, and is difficult to find even in the noblest of thoughts.”

